The Gnostic Association

-- City of New York



Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Gnostic Association of Anthropology and Scientific Studies – City of New York?

The Gnostic Association of Anthropology and Scientific Studies – City of New York (or The Gnostic Association – City of New York) is the Center of “Asociación Gnóstica de Estudios de Antopología y Ciencias” (A.G.E.A.C.A.C.) in the City of New York that is currently making efforts in translating into English the entire set of courses currently offered by A.G.E.A.C.A.C.  Although in our Center most students are English-speaking people, Spanish-speaking people are welcome alike.  Although there is essentially no difference between the teachings and lessons of our Center and any Spanish-speaking Center of A.G.E.A.C.A.C., the pedagogical techniques are entirely adaptable to the American culture, not to the average Hispanic.  Some cultural differences between Hispanics and Americans (and other English-speaking cultures) have prompted the need for the development of a specialized method of instruction at The Gnostic Association – City of New York.  

For any further inquiry, you may eMail us at: It shall be a pleasure to honor your inquiry.

What is “A.G.E.A.C.A.C. – Internacional”?

A.G.E.A.C.A.C. stands for “Asociación Gnóstica de Estudios de Antropología y Ciencias, Asociación Civil” (where an “Asociación Civil” or “A.C.” is an equivalent in Mexico to what is known in the U.S. as a non-profit organization).  “A.G.E.A.C.A.C. – Internacional” is the Institution that gathers men and women with a common purpose:  the study and practice of Gnostic Studies in all fields of human activity.

Is there any difference between The Gnostic Association – City of New York and “A.G.E.A.C.A.C. – Internacional”?

No.  There is absolutely no difference at all in regards of the teaching.  But because of differences between the American culture and the Hispanic culture, there are different pedagogical techniques applied to both cultures.  We can say that although there is no difference in the teaching and its results, “A.G.E.A.C.A.C. – Internacional” addresses Hispanics and some Americans who can understand lessons through pedagogical techniques mostly applicable to Hispanics, and The Gnostic Association – City of New York applies pedagogical techniques that are mostly applicable to an American and an average English-speaking audience.  Pedagogical techniques applied by The Gnostic Association -- City of New York are very suitable to the particular psychology and culture of the American people (especially those who would not understand Gnostic instruction through approaches mostly applicable to Hispanics).  In any case, The Gnostic Association -- City of New York welcomes anyone regardless of cultural background, age, creed, profession/occupation, etc.

Who is S.A.W.?

S.A.W. is the founder of A.G.E.A.C.A.C.  He is a contemporary philosopher, anthropologist and psychologist whose more than sixty books and treatises are read and put into practice by hundreds of students around the globe.

What is the purpose of Gnostic Teachings?

The purpose of Gnostic Teachings is to help the student develop in full psychic potential through a process known as Conscience Awakening.  Conscience Awakening is a process that enables us to overcome unnecessary attachment and desire, which lead eventually to an increased propensity to suffering.  All cultures throughout history have taught their own techniques for Conscience Awakening through transcendental art (such as the one found in bas relief of Ancient Egypt, India, Greece, Ancient Mexico, etc.), science (such as the Science of Alchemy), philosophy (ancient name given to what is known today as psychology) and mysticism (same eternal principles that robe themselves in a variety of forms to address different circumstances, places, folklore, needs, ways of thinking and of feeling, etc.). 

Consciousness Awakening benefits us greatly in the sense that this process, which every student experiences through a smooth transition, can help us live a healthier life, solve all kinds of problems, live longer and, moreover, even experience directly the true significance of our present existence:  complete enlightenment.

 All these facts are substantiated by means of Gnostic Anthropology: a Self-psychoanalytical Anthropology (also known by some as "Anthropology-Psychology"), which is well-structured for addressing the needs of every human being of all creeds, ages, gender, religion, culture, social class, occupation, profession, etc.

Is The Gnostic Association a religion, a sect or a cult?

Definitely, The Gnostic Association is not a religion.  Through the observation of Gnostic Knowledge in the variety of mystical forms that exist in the world, we address the common denominator of all religions within an unbiased and entirely non-sectarian setting, thus allowing the cultural exchange between aspirants with diverse religious (and even non-religious) backgrounds.  But religion is not all what The Gnostic Association covers, as science, anthropology-psychology and transcendental art are also observed.

The Gnostic Association is much less a sect or cult.

Is The Gnostic Association charging any fees?

The Gnostic Association charges no fees.  All lessons, workshops, study group courses, publications and public lectures are delivered free of charge.  Donations, however, are welcome.  Its members and some study group students agree to help finance maintenance and rental costs of the Gnostic Center by providing a voluntary quota, but quotas are not requirement for receiving instruction either directly in our center or through the Internet or regular mail.  These quotas need not to be a fixed amount neither, and any lack of regularity in providing quotas will not affect any student's membership status.  


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Copyright © 2001 The Gnostic Association of Anthropology and Scientific Studies of the City of New York
Last modified: April 16, 2013